Shade Match with Shadewave

Is shade matching a challenge for your practice? ShadeWave can help get the shade right the first time with less time guessing and less work for you. Use ShadeWave Mobile on your iPhone. Your digital photo uploads can be sent directly to Inter-Chrome Dental Lab…

Advanced Digital Dentures

One year ago, we embarked on the digital denture journey. It’s been a year of learning, growing, and paying attention. We have learned what works, and what doesn’t. It has grown from a basic workflow, into something more niche, and paying attention to the basics of digital dentures will help us take the next step.…

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Inter-Chrome Answers The Call For Non Metal Partial Alternatives!

The requests for esthetic partials kept coming. So we had to answer. Five years ago when we were asked if we provided non metal partial options, we would quickly say, “Nope, they’re not a high enough quality, and metal frameworks are still the standard of care.” Today, in 2019, while we may still love our…

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Anatomy of a Digital Denture Workflow

Everybody’s digital workflow is slightly different.  The subtle differences are what differentiates the end products, the indications, and how it fits an individual lab or clinician.  This post is going to describe one such workflow, and details the intended uses of the end product. We started looking for a digital solution for complete dentures a…

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Setting Expectations and Defining the Immediate Denture

So much success of an immediate denture case revolves around setting expectations correctly. We can go into the technicalities of record taking, and case planning, but proper expectations also deserve a place in the conversation. Can you think of an immediate denture case that seated and delivered like a charm? Or how about the contrary,…

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How To Duplicate A Denture With Precision

Making new dentures is great. As a denture technician, I’m able to start from scratch in most cases, and make something far more beautiful and functional than what the patient had prior. As a clinician, I’m sure it’s an amazing feeling to see a true transformation in someone’s mouth, and thus, helping to change their…

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Avoid Digital Dilemmas With Your Removables

If you’re reading this to find the secret sauce to avoiding a problem then here it is: The digital movement in dentistry isn’t going to solve all of your problems! Surprised? Aren’t we being told that deploying assets right away into an all digital workflow is going to revolutionize how we do things? It doesn’t…

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Bend Here, Not There!

Even the best frameworks need subtle adjustment from time to time. Because of inconsistencies in impression materials, and dimensional instability of stone models, and now as we’re learning new realities involving CAD/CAM materials, both for printing and milling, it is still a necessity to know how to properly adjust an RPD frame.  Today, we’ll specifically…

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Deep Emotional Bank Accounts

It was once said by a very wise technician that a great relationship between a dentist and his lab was like an “emotional bank account,” and it was measured in heart tissue and stomach lining. Socrates or Plato couldn’t have said it better! Even though a deep concept, it’s one that rings very true. Do…

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Clinical Remounting Made Easy!

We recently had Dr. Jack Turbyfill in the lab giving one of his world renowned lectures on his technique involving the training denture, and his hydrocast relining method. We love this kind of information being delivered to our clinicians because it provides a new definition of what a quality denture really is! Dr. Turbyfill’s technique…

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