One year ago, we embarked on the digital denture journey. It’s been a year of learning, growing, and paying attention. We have learned what works, and what doesn’t. It has grown from a basic workflow, into something more niche, and paying attention to the basics of digital dentures will help us take the next step.…
Anatomy of a Digital Denture Workflow
Everybody’s digital workflow is slightly different. The subtle differences are what differentiates the end products, the indications, and how it fits an individual lab or clinician. This post is going to describe one such workflow, and details the intended uses of the end product. We started looking for a digital solution for complete dentures a…
Avoid Digital Dilemmas With Your Removables
If you’re reading this to find the secret sauce to avoiding a problem then here it is: The digital movement in dentistry isn’t going to solve all of your problems! Surprised? Aren’t we being told that deploying assets right away into an all digital workflow is going to revolutionize how we do things? It doesn’t…